Workers Compensation

Get the Compensation You’re Owed

Accidents happen. Sometimes those accidents happen at work and result in injuries both minor and severe. We are here to make sure your workplace provides you with the compensation you’ve earned and are owed.

Workers’ comp cases

Ultimately, when you are hurt at work your number one priority is your health. We can help connect you with the proper medical resources if you need help because when you call Attorney Ralph Bryant Jr. for a workers’ comp claim, we need you to take care of your health while we take care of your money.

Once you get your medical situation on track, you should call us immediately. You will want to talk to us before adjusters start contacting you for a statement. You will be required to give a statement, so let us prepare you for that conversation before telling officials a single thing. Your conversation with an adjuster could make or break your case, so let us guide you before it’s too late.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) cases

We covered this under our employment law page, but we want to reiterate the importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act. So many clients contact us thinking they have a workers’ compensation case when what they really have is an ADA case. The ADA provides protection beyond workers’ compensation and FMLA laws, including requiring reasonable accommodations for your return to work, more recovery for your financial losses, and compensations for mental pain and anguish.

You have a right to take time off when an injury occurs, and you have a right to have a lawyer by your side through the process. We don’t charge you anything upfront in workers’ compensation cases. Call us today and help us help you.