Medicaid Provider Litigation

North Carolina’s Premier Medicaid Provider Litigation Lawyer

Attorney Ralph Bryant Jr. understands the law and protections provided to Medicaid providers in North Carolina. Sadly, we see good people doing important work get pushed around by the system and forced out of business. Don’t let this be you.

State officials are required to apply the same standards to ALL Medicaid providers, but we’ve sadly seen officials abuse their power too often. We say “no more.” Our legal representation will be aggressive to protect your business and ensure officials don’t use the audit process to corner you and cost you the money you’re owed.

We understand North Carolina rules and regulations that govern Medicaid providers and the repayment they are owed. We understand the abuse of these rules and regulations can put your entire business and livelihood at risk. We’re not afraid to take on the state and will stand by you until the fight is finished.

Your business cannot be singled out by state officials outside of a select few circumstances. If you believe the state is unfairly treating your business and putting your financial security at risk, call Attorney Ralph Bryant Jr. today and we’ll take the fight to them.